\n"; // echo "Where = $where
\n"; if (isset($_POST['ProjId'])) { $ProjId = _INPUT('ProjId'); } if (isset($_GET['ProjId'])) { $ProjId = _INPUT('ProjId'); } $sortby = _INPUT('sortby'); if ($sortby!=""): $sorted = " order by $sortby "; else : // Note: replace the primary key with a different default sort field name if desired... $sorted = " order by ProjName "; $sortby = "ProjName"; endif; if (strlen($bareQuery)==0) : $bareQuery = "SELECT ProjId,ProjName,PrincipleInvestigator,ProjectType FROM projects "; $Title = "Records in Projects Table: "; if (!is_null($ProjId)) : $where = " Where ProjId = '$ProjId'"; $Title .= $where; endif; endif; $queryall = $bareQuery.$where.$sorted; // echo "Query=$queryall
\n"; $resultall = MYSQL_QUERY($queryall); $numberall = mysql_Numrows($resultall); // The next line loads a generic display loop for the table... $a = "all of the"; require_once("DaahlProjectsListDisplay.php"); // Create the buttons at the bottom of the form... $o .= "

\n"; if (!isset($user)) : $o .= "Close Window  \n"; $o .= "New Search"; else : $o .= "Admin Home  \n"; $o .= "Projects Query\n"; endif; $o .= "
\n"; echo $o; require_once("footer.php"); ?>